Sure-Fire Complete Guide On How To Find Rockhopper!!


Sure-Fire Complete Guide On How To Find Rockhopper!! 


I bet you’re woundering, Where in the world is rockhopper? Well you’ve come to the right place!!
First you need to find out if he’s online so get on the log on place, then type rockhopper on the username. Then on the pass type and random password at least five digits long, It’ll say banned if he is not online. If it says “incorrected password” Then he’s online to be searched of.

 Rockhopper is a clubpenguin owned, he can be a bot or maybe even a person it might matter what time of day it is. But you never know what for sure server he’s on he could be anywhere any server, any place! So try to go to really full or active places.


To find where he is look for a room thats full, you might be in the same room he is so if you see a group of penguins surrounding him here’s a great sure-fire if he has lots of red penguins around him. He is so easy to spot he is a red color penguin once you see him you’ll be sure its him!! RH could be anywhere as i said he could be in the (ship hold, beach, town, plaza, Cove anywhere pretty much not the dojo or the HQ) remember he stays for a little time so he changes servers.

Here is what i think you might do:

You might do this (what i do mostly) Go through servers check most populated servers and go through them, i even go to servers where penguins shout out rockhopper is at blah!!! So i go there. What i even do is check out the rockhopper tracker that works well! It’s good and it works i’ve used it a couple times latly.

I other really good way is to check severs that are mostly almost never filled up. That gives you a hint that some things going on there probaly rockhopper! I tried it once on yukon before fever said he’d go there and it was accually going on :D!

Rockhopper is usually on at no peak hours witch is when penguins are on. He can ever go random times of the day.

One Response to “Sure-Fire Complete Guide On How To Find Rockhopper!!”

  1. sweet!

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